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Proxy for Check

Individual /Shared proxy servers, rent from 5 days
Money back guarantee 48 hours
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individual proxies Speed up to 100 Mb/sec. Unlimited traffic.
Refund guarantee / change of address 48 hours after purchase.
The lowest prices on the proxy market.
Cheaper wholesale.
Manually selecting IP and selecting subnets, also
you can select a city.
Online technical support Managers work online every day and are ready to help.
process automation Proxies are activated immediately after payment.
networks and subnets.
you can add and delete new IPs to your order when renewing. There is also Auto Renewal.
and personal account.
and 2000 streams.
from 1 IP address
Rental period from 5 days and above.
Affiliate program Already earned
414 849$

Buy proxy

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Individual IPv4
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Issued in one hand IP binding (up to 3 IPs per order)
Select IP manually

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IPv4 Shared Proxy
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Use up to 3 people IP binding (up to 3 IPs per order)
Select IP manually

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IPv6/32 Proxy
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Issued in one hand IP binding (up to 3 IPs per order)
Внимание Attention!!! Our proxies are only suitable for legal purposes
By purchasing our proxies, you agree to the terms of User Agreement and Privacy Policy
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Buy proxy check is recommended for anyone involved in the promotion of social media pages (TWITTER, Instagram, Facebook, etc.) or SEO optimization.

Effective promotion on the Internet involves the registration and maintenance of a large number of accounts at this stage, inexperienced professionals often face challenges, because the profiles used are not always reliable. Large services use a special software that can identify fake accounts, and instantly block the page, causing the suspicion. To avoid such situations, it is recommended to periodically check the account for validity using software-checker. Easier and faster way to do this by purchasing private proxies to check.

How to use proxy to check
Checkers represent extensions to the browser, app or online program to check the accounts in a matter of minutes to help get the following information about the used accounts:

The status of the validity of (matching username and password).
Linked phone number.
The presence of pic on the page.
The number of friends, subscribers and subscriptions.
The user’s personal data – name, gender, age, place of residence.
Information about administered by the communities (if any) – the number of participants, the right of access.
Details about “freezing” of the profile and the recovery methods (“lifetime” ban, the ability to unlock a phone number or a passport photo). In this respect, a proxy for the check, useful and ordinary users, because sometimes accounts are locked mistakenly or without explanation.
Using elite proxy check gives a pleasant bonus – increase Internet speed by caching data. This is an important plus, as social media professionals must work with tens and hundreds of profiles, and checking accounts sometimes takes a lot of time.

Tips for choosing a proxy
There are a number of online services offering free proxy to work with checkers, but the use of such servers often leads to negative consequences:

Reducing the speed of the Internet connection down to zero.
Increase in ping.
Leakage of private information network scammers or hackers. The main drawback of proxies, shared – a low level of anonymity.
There is no guarantee that the selected IP is not blocked on the web site. Security large portals are regularly monitoring public proxy database by adding addresses from the lists to black lists. In addition, it is likely that the previous owner of the server broke the rules you are interested in a web resource and it got banned. In this case, it will have to urgently find alternative, wasting time. The owners paid proxy to check immune from such problems, because all addresses are verified before delivery to the client.

In addition to proxy Ipv6 and Ipv4 users to access a version of SHARED – value rental of IP is minimal, since they are designed not for one but for three people. This is beneficial for organizations that work with multi-accounts by several employees.

Private proxies to check with quality assurance
Buy individual proxies to check on our website, they will provide users with many advantages:

Operational checking accounts – thanks to the consistently high speed of data loading, processing hundreds of accounts will take 1-2 minutes.
Guarantee security and protection of personal information.
Multilingual support – our consultants are day and night ready to help with the selection and configuration of proxy servers.
The opportunity to rent a unique IP for any length of time – from one week to one year.
We cooperate with wholesale and retail customers. The cost of private proxies will please every user.

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