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Proxy for faster Internet

Individual /Shared proxy servers, rent from 5 days
Money back guarantee 48 hours
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individual proxies Speed up to 100 Mb/sec. Unlimited traffic.
Refund guarantee / change of address 48 hours after purchase.
The lowest prices on the proxy market.
Cheaper wholesale.
Manually selecting IP and selecting subnets, also
you can select a city.
Online technical support Managers work online every day and are ready to help.
process automation Proxies are activated immediately after payment.
networks and subnets.
you can add and delete new IPs to your order when renewing. There is also Auto Renewal.
and personal account.
and 2000 streams.
from 1 IP address
Rental period from 5 days and above.
Affiliate program Already earned
414 849$

Buy proxy

We best
Individual IPv4
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Issued in one hand IP binding (up to 3 IPs per order)
Select IP manually

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IPv4 Shared Proxy
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Use up to 3 people IP binding (up to 3 IPs per order)
Select IP manually

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IPv6/32 Proxy
For what?
Issued in one hand IP binding (up to 3 IPs per order)
Внимание Attention!!! Our proxies are only suitable for legal purposes
By purchasing our proxies, you agree to the terms of User Agreement and Privacy Policy
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To buy proxies to speed up Internet – a great idea, regardless of whether you work online or spend your leisure time. Today, the optimal speed of 100-150 Mbps, but even with these indicators some sites take long to load, and downloading files takes a lot of time. Reasons for slow load data – a huge amount. For example, providers often state only the maximum throughput of the network without specifying any parameters, this percentage decreases. The problems with the speed of lead and other factors:

“Contamination” of the device BY the virus.
Incorrect settings of the OS or browser.
Failures in the Wi-Fi router, “bad” location of the router.
Line noise caused by the snowfall and strong wind.
The total “load” of the network (weekend, night).
Sometimes cannot do without the help of the staff of the technical service, but in most cases, users are able to speed up the Internet on their own – by purchasing a package of personal proxy.

How to operate a proxy server for web acceleration
Private proxy playing the role of mediator between computer (smartphone) and web resource that you want to visit. Provided that the server is at a minimum distance from your real location, downloading the information takes only a few seconds. If you are using a private IP, most of the time is spent on communication between the device and proxy.

Another reason to buy a package of individual IP proxy hide real location of the user. This is necessary if:

The web resource is blocked for your country or region by the decision of the law.
Your primary address banned on the website, forum, social network.
You want to protect your personal data from fraudsters and hackers.
To buy proxies is especially recommended to people who keep their money in electronic purses, regularly paying online by credit card, work with “valuable” information.

Which proxy is better to choose?
The method of obtaining proxies are divided into paid and free. For servers that are freely available, typical problems with speed, because the advantage of ip may be a few people at a time. Public proxies are different from requiring a minimum level of anonymity and does not provide users with stability, and when weak Internet signal cease to function altogether. So do not waste time searching for a workable option – even more, buy proxy wholesale cost is inexpensive.

The advantage of a private elite proxy servers – decrease ping 3-4 times. This figure is especially please gamers, fans can visit an online casino and bookmakers, SEO-optimizers.

Where to get working proxies to increase speed
Offer to buy personal proxy for web acceleration at attractive prices. To cooperate with our service profitable and convenient because:

We offer working proxies at any time.
Private servers work stably and smoothly, ensuring high-speed Internet connection throughout the entire period of use.
A list of unique addresses is regularly updated – always available free Ipv6, ipv4 and SHARED proxies from Russia, USA, CIS and Europe, suitable for business and entertainment.
You don’t have to sort out the server settings to start working right after payment.
Before entering the client, proxies are tested by special software that guarantees the quality and operability of the selected IP.
Having problems or have questions on the use of private proxy consultants the technical support will come to the rescue day and night.

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