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Proxy for Windows 10

Individual /Shared proxy servers, rent from 5 days
Money back guarantee 48 hours
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individual proxies Speed up to 100 Mb/sec. Unlimited traffic.
Refund guarantee / change of address 48 hours after purchase.
The lowest prices on the proxy market.
Cheaper wholesale.
Manually selecting IP and selecting subnets, also
you can select a city.
Online technical support Managers work online every day and are ready to help.
process automation Proxies are activated immediately after payment.
networks and subnets.
you can add and delete new IPs to your order when renewing. There is also Auto Renewal.
and personal account.
and 2000 streams.
from 1 IP address
Rental period from 5 days and above.
Affiliate program Already earned
414 849$

Buy proxy

We best
Individual IPv4
For what?
Issued in one hand IP binding (up to 3 IPs per order)
Select IP manually

No results were found for your search.
IPv4 Shared Proxy
For what?
Use up to 3 people IP binding (up to 3 IPs per order)
Select IP manually

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IPv6/32 Proxy
For what?
Issued in one hand IP binding (up to 3 IPs per order)
Внимание Attention!!! Our proxies are only suitable for legal purposes
By purchasing our proxies, you agree to the terms of User Agreement and Privacy Policy
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Today, many people want to buy proxy for Windows 10, because it helps to solve many of the problems associated with limited access to popular web sites and decrease the speed of your Internet connection. Most of the users who regularly visit websites, forums, social networks or gaming portals particularly interested in the issue of online privacy. Individual proxies are essential if you want to remain anonymous when you visit web resources, viewing of entertainment content, downloading movies and music.

How to use proxy on Windows 10
Buying and configuring proxy quality for Windows 10 guarantees the safety and efficacy of the following:

Promotion of goods and services in social networks using multi-accounts. Fast promotion accounts are only possible using software bots to misliking, the following free register an unlimited number of profiles. However, the administration of Vkontakte, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and other popular services to repress such acts by blocking the suspicious ip page. To avoid ban, we recommend you to buy proxy account “one address for each account”.
Parsing search queries. C anonymous server the formation of a semantic kernel, the collection of keywords, evaluating the relevance of website, competitor analysis and other monotonous routines will take the least time.
Promotion of game characters. To promote a profile in the online game using cheat codes not to get a ban is possible only under condition of use working proxy.
Bypass regional and local blocks. Regardless, for whatever reason, has restricted access – changing the ip will help you easily get to the desired resource.
Virtual shopping. Using American proxy for Ebay, Amazon and other international online shopping sites, you will discover thousands of the best deals and promotions that are not available to buyers from Russia and CIS countries.
Downloading content from torrents. In connection with stricter anti-piracy law to overstate the importance of quality proxies Windows 10 for Utorrent and another file sharing impossible.
Additional advantages of buying anonymous IP increase the speed of downloading web pages by storing the data in the cache, reducing ping and protection of personal information. The last point is particularly relevant, given the fact that cases of hacking of personal computers and laptops in recent years greatly increased.

Tips for choosing a proxy server
Services that sell private ip, offer both ipv4 and ipv6 proxy. The second option is the most popular, as “sixth” type of Protocol has a number of indisputable advantages:

High-speed Internet and data saver.
The ability to change static IP to dynamic.
Privacy statement stay connected.
The democratic value, because of the large number of “free” addresses.
The only disadvantage of ipv6 such proxies are currently working on all sites. So, for Russian social networks and web resources it is better to spend money and buy the ipv4 version.

Working proxy on Windows 10
Spaceproxy offers wholesale and retail buyers to buy proxies for Windows 10 at the most favorable prices. Personal IP Russia, USA, Great Britain and hundreds of other countries guarantee each user:

The security of the connection.
Smooth operation during the entire period of the action is to rent a proxy as possible for a few weeks and a year.
The ease of use. You don’t have to customize the server is ready to work the ip will go to the specified e-mail immediately after payment.
100% protection of personal data. We give a new, unique address in one hand, which eliminates the possibility of leakage of personal information and hacking the device.
Customers who buy from 500 private proxy, we are pleased to offer individual terms of cooperation.

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