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Speed Test

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For network users, prompt receipt of information and fast download of data – guarantee of successful work. In some cases, the data transfer speed is significantly reduced. There may be several reasons, such as difficulties with the service provider or malware. Our online service allows you to measure the actual speed of your Internet connection in order to make further decisions.

What the connection speed test is for

A one-time speed measurement is performed when a visually noticeable decrease in the quality of the communication channel, if the download time of files or videos has increased. In the absence of visible symptoms, it is advisable to periodically check with our service. Most often, the speed of the Internet connection drops for the following reasons:

  • due to the constant connection of new subscribers, the provider cannot provide a communication channel with the previously declared bandwidth;
  • in the evening, traffic increases due to the large number of simultaneous user connections;
  • errors in the configuration of the terminal equipment also affect the data transfer rate;
  • The operation of various specialized software requires a constant connection to network resources and traffic consumption;
  • Virus programs that operate invisibly to the user also occupy the Internet channel for broadcasting data to the network.

To check the connection speed, just go to our website and click the appropriate button. Within a few minutes, the user receives data on ping time, upload and download speed.

Features of checking the speed of the Internet connection

Before performing the check, you must disable specialized software and applications that can take up part of the traffic. Otherwise, the results will be unreliable. Similar actions must be performed when checking the speed on a stationary PC, laptop, smartphone, and other mobile devices.

For testing, the IP address is entered in a special form and the test button is activated. Within a few minutes, before receiving the results, you must refrain from running third-party applications and working on the Internet. The lower the ping value and the higher the speed of downloading and uploading data, the better the communication channel works and the service provider fulfills its obligations.

Email us and we will try to help you and advise as quickly as possible.
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